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Guest Bloggers

So turns out, blogging is pretty hard.  What with all the recipe research and perfecting, shopping, cooking, photographing, writing, and finally proof reading.  As a result, I have started recruiting some people I know into the fold to help me out now and then.

I've known Celia since our second year of college.  I've kept in touch with her over the years because she is an amazing individual, and she went ahead and married one of my best friends.  She knows how to pick 'em.  Celia is a right coaster living the life of a left coaster and rocking the vegan diet.  She is chronicling her journey with in vitro fertilization and their attempt to start a family at eat.scream.cry.  I admire the fact that she talks openly about the process to anyone who cares to read.  Her blog is quickly developing into a go to resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the mile by mile marathon that is IVF.

Matt is another friend from college, only we met within the first month of freshman year.  We lived together, along with Celia's husband (and honestly Celia too) our senior year.  Although we all lived together, we honestly didn't cook that often...it was a simpler time.  Tater-tots in Rez, Grillers in the Sunset Room, etc.  Although he isn't a vegetarian, he cooks meatless dishes fairly frequently.  I hear he's famous in the DC area for his delicious fruit buckles