I am not only a gadget guy when it comes to electronics, I am also attracted to kitchen gadgets. I found myself often wanting a certain tool while cooking, but when it came time to part with my precious money to have it, I couldn't justify it. So I started adding certain low priced but useful items to my amazon wish list and added one item to my cart every time I found myself on the site buying something. Once I had one of these gadgets I found myself using it more than I expected, and happy I had it.
Microplane- You've watched Giada use one all over food network and Ray Ray grate garlic instead of chopping, well as annoying as celebrity chefs can be, sometimes they have good ideas. I use this thing all the time, and for the first time but whole nutmeg and grated it fresh...and you can indeed taste the difference.
Vegetable steamer- Simple tool, cheap and available probably at your grocery store. I used to just steam vegetables in a little water in a covered pot, but it always left things soggy. Got one from Jordan's aunt for xmas, I have used it so many times. Perfectly steamed broccoli in four minutes.
Citrus Reamer- Fresh lemon and lime juice are awesome and great in almost any dish, don't wrestle with it just buy a simple wooden reamer for a few bucks. I've bought one and used it a few times and then it disappeared, so I bought another one only for it to disappear again. I refuse to buy another one, but I am sure this is an issue with my house as opposed to the tool itself.
Ricer- I'm not Italian but I want to make my own gnocchi. Whenever I have it, I love it. To make it you need a ricer. So I went and bought one. I haven't made gnocchi yet, but nothing is officially holding me back anymore! It makes me think of a play-dough hair growing machine...but making the most smooth mashed potatoes you've ever tasted.
Spring form-pan- You need one to make a cheesecake, well not my mothers recipe, but for the one in my fancy baking book. I picked one up at TJMaxx or Marshalls for $6 and have used it a few times. I find that a good investment.
Silicone mat- got one for Christmas, I use it at least 3 times a week. I use it for almost everything I put in the oven and nothing sticks, no oil necessary. Its a pain to clean, and you have to clean it well because flavors can linger. I only have one, but often find myself wanting two, I'll probably fold and buy another soon.
Okay and although these next two items are expensive and overly wished for items for the kitchen geeks. The reason they are expensive? Because they are quality machines. The reason they are overly wished for? Because they are awesome. You buy one and I dare you not to use it enough to justify owning it. If you are a 2x or more a week chef, I've got plenty you can make in it to rationalize the major purchase.
Food processor- Almost a necessity for a vegetarian home chef. I use it to make my chick(pea) seitan, my go to chicken replacement. Its also pivotal to my homemade granola recipe. If I'm feeling lazy and (some would call it sacrilegious) I'll put all the ingredients for guacamole in and just pulse until its all made, how easy is that? I imagine Ina would frown at this short cut. Expensive, yes, but its an appliance that you only buy once if you buy a quality machine.
Stand Mixer- Oh its the dream of every home chef! Easiest way to get one? Get married. Not happening anytime soon? Well then lay hints to that special someone and watch for sales. I got one for Christmas, and I have used it countless times, but that's because I find baking fascinatingly challenging. Also near professional results are obtained every single time if you are diligent and follow the recipe closely. Expensive, yes, but its an appliance that you only buy once.