After six months of being a vegetarian, I thought back on all the random ingredients I had used for the first time. Looking at recipes as a wanna-be vegetarian can sometimes be daunting, there are often three of four ingredients that are brand new. Yes some are pricey, but if you compare it to a pack boneless skinless chicken breasts, chances are it is cheaper, has more nutritional value (protein and vitamins), tastes better, and is better for the environment.
Here is a list of these ingredients I've been compiling. I've tried to make them as simple as possible, some are more important to flavor and health than others. I always try to note if an fringe ingredient is really important for the flavor, or if you might be able to substitute something else.
Agave Nectar- Natural sweetener from cactus like plant. About 1.5 times sweeter than sugar, comparable. Most importantly agave nectar does not cause your blood sugar to spike as much as processed sugar.
Kim-Chi- Fermented (but tastes pickled) Korean side-dish, typically made from cabbage. Spicy and delicious. Contains a ton of vitamin A, B1, B2 and iron. Recent media attention because of failed cabbage crops in Korea, caused price inflation. Medium sized refrigerated bottle set me back $12 at Whole Foods, not sure if that's a result of the price inflation or it was always expensive here in the states.
Miso- I don't like miso soup, but I like miso. Fermented soy bean paste, but loaded with good things (Amino acids, b vitamins). It is salty in flavor, and can actually be used in place of salt in lots of recipes. Find it in the refrigerator area. Comes in multiple colors, used light yellow miso personally and have had great success. Keeps forever in your fridge, and you can order it online!
Nutritional Yeast- Looks like fish food, but tastes kinda like Parmesan cheese? It tastes good. It comes in bigger tubs that are somewhat expensive at Whole Foods, but it lasts forever and has insane amounts of nutritional value. You can use it in soups, pastas, pretty much anything actually. Find an excuse to buy it. Once you do, chances are you'll turn out like me and find an excuse to put it in everything. Check online if not available at your store.
Shoyu and Tamari - Fancy soy sauce.
Tempeh - Protein source. Fermented soy product, looks like a really thick cracker. Sometimes made with other grains, like wild rice etc. Doesn't have the common negative side effects associated with a lot of soy products, like tofu.
Tempeh |
Tofu- Soy based protein. Comes in varying amounts of "firmness". Personally I am not a fan, but people tell me its like mushrooms, it takes on the flavor of anything you cook it with. This may explain my disdain for tofu, as mushrooms are also gross in my opinion.
Seitan (say-tan)- Meat replacement, main ingredient typically is vital wheat flour (gluten). Typically a good source of protein, serves as a binding agent in building your own meat replacement. Pre-made seitan is with the tofu in the refrigerated section in most stores.
Soy Milk- non-dairy lactose free milk. As in I'd like a triple half caff soy latte. Doesn't need to be kept cold unless opened. Could order online or actually buy a powdered version that tastes exactly the same as pre-made.
TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)- No fat, protein rich soy substitute. Its actually the byproduct of making Soy Bean Oil. It cooks quickly, and takes on flavor like rice. It has a slight strange taste if you don't heavily season. Good meat replacement for tacos. Reminds my boyfriend of AVP (Aliens vs. Predators), so he asks if we are eating predators for dinner. If you are going to eat "fake meat products" this is your best route as far as price goes! Can be found in normal grocery stores, its with the pre-made bread mixes (Read Mill type brands). Could probably order online.
Vital Wheat Flour- Made from the gluten of wheat. Primary component of seitan. Has a really fine texture, found with the pre-made bread mixes (Red Mill type brands). Could probably order online.